Gordon Kerr

Gordon Kerr es un autor de éxito en el género de no ficción, quien ha escrito varios libros que provocan reflexión sobre crímenes reales, historia, arte, viajes y humor. Kerr nació en la ciudad escocesa de East Kilbride y estudió su educación superior en la Universidad de Glasgow. Después de su graduación, vivió en Francia por un tiempo antes de emprender una carrera en el comercio de vinos en Londres. Más tarde, avanzó a trabajos de marketing en las librerías y la industria editorial, trabajando para compañías conocidas como Waterstones y Bloomsbury.

El trabajo de Kerr abarca una variedad de géneros y se ha establecido como un autor prolífico y exitoso. No comenzó su carrera de escritura hasta más tarde en la vida, después de ganar experiencia en el comercio de vinos, edición y librerías. A pesar de comenzar su carrera de escritura tarde, Kerr ha logrado hacerse un nombre en el mundo literario, con muchos de sus libros recibiendo elogios de la crítica y popularidad entre los lectores.

Kerr está casado y tiene dos hijos adultos. Divide su tiempo entre Hampshire y el suroeste de Francia, encontrando inspiración para su escritura en ambos lugares. Algunas de sus obras más destacadas incluyen "A Short History of China" y "The Houses of Death", que han recibido elogios por su investigación exhaustiva y estilo de escritura atractivo. La capacidad de Kerr para adentrarse en temas complejos y hacerlos accesibles para un público amplio le ha ganado una base leal de seguidores.
Novelas independientes
# Título Año
1 The Partisan Heart 2019
Libros de no ficción
# Título Año
1 Rats and Squealers 2000
2 Poetry Writers' Yearbook 2006
3 Killers in Cold Blood 2007
4 The Timetraveller's Guide to Georgian London 2007
5 Art Nouveau 2008
6 Impressionists. 2008
7 Pirates: Derring-do on the High Seas 2008
8 Timeline of World History 2008
9 Timeline History of the World 2008
10 Professional Killers 2008
11 Timeline Of Britain 2008
12 Australian Slang 2008
13 Houses of Death: Horrific Secrets Behind Closed Doors 2008
14 Hotels of Death: The Famous Checked In But Never Checked Ou 2008
15 Timeline of Kings & Queens : From Charlemagne to Elizabeth II 2008
16 Leaders Who Changed the World 2009
17 Fugitives: Dramatic accounts of life on the run 2009
18 Goners: The Final Hours of the Notable and Notorious 2009
19 More Softies 2009
20 Timeline of the Sixties 2009
21 A Short History of Europe: From Charlemagne to the Treaty of Lisbon 2009
22 Evil Psychopaths 2009
23 Great British Losers: A Compendium of National Embarrassments from the Great Auk to Eddie the Eagle 2010
24 Secrets of Italy 2010
25 My Sweet Rose 2010
26 Mapping the Trail of a Crime: How Experts Use Geographic Profiling to Solve the World's Most Notorious Cases 2011
27 Treacherous Women - Sex, temptation and betrayal 2011
28 Spree Killers: Ruthless Perpetrators of Mass Murder 2011
29 Fugitives from Justice : Audacious Bids for Freedom 2011
30 Hostages and Hijackers: A Modern History - Munich, Hearst, Aldo Moro, Iranian Embassy, Iranian Hostages, Buckley, Terry Waite, Betancourt, Beslan, Alan Johnston 2011
31 Kidnapped!: Abduction, Hostages and Hijacking 2011
32 Notorious Fugitives : Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide 2011
33 Insane Body Snatchers: Kidnapping, Torture and Sexual Abuse 2011
34 Fugitives on the Run : Keeping Ahead of Retribution 2011
35 Hostages 2011
36 100 Claude Monet Masterpieces. 2011
37 Ancient and Medieval Traitors - Back-stabbers, turncoats and conspirators 2011
38 Australian Serial Killers 2011
39 World Serial Killers - Manson, Bundy, Olson, Sells, Son of Sam, Kemper, Stayner, Jack the Ripper, Brady, Hindley, West, Shipman, Glover, Dupas, Birnie, ... Denyer, Milat, Barraza, Lopez 2011
40 American Serial Killers - They just can't stop themselves 2011
41 Traitors and Spies: Spooks, sleepers and sabotage 2011
42 Mafia Men: Hoodwinkers, Suckers and Scams 2011
43 European Serial Killers - Evil on the edge of society 2011
44 Great Leaders of the Last 100 Years - A century that changed the world 2011
45 Historic Leaders who Changed the World: Monarchs, Presidents and Despots 2011
46 Great Leaders who Changed the Ancient World - Philosophers, Prophets and Commanders 2011
47 Great Leaders who Changed the Medieval World - Emperors, Tyrants and Saints 2011
48 Great Leaders of the 19th Century - Heroes, Outlaws and Demagogues 2011
49 A Short History of Africa: From the Origins of the Human Race to the Arab Spring 2011
50 Art Deco Fashion Masterpieces 2012
51 Queen: Secrets & Celebrations of Her Majesty 2012
52 Mad Dogs: The Most Vicious Men Who Ever Lived 2012
53 College Killers : School Shootings in North America and Europe - Columbine, Jonesboro, Bath, Thurston, Red Lake, Virginia, Pontiac's Rebellion, Texas Tower, Beslan, Erfurt, Dunblane 2012
54 A Short History of China: From Ancient Dynasties to Economic Powerhouse 2013
55 Breakout - The Great Prison Escapes - Alcatraz, Billy the Kid, John Dillinger, Bundy, Biggs and the Great Train Robbery, Texas Seven, Blake, Hinds, Sheppard, Ramensky, Billy Hayes, Dengler 2013
56 Timeline of the Popes : A History from St Peter to Francis I -- Rome, Vatican, Catholic, Cardinal, Papal Election, John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI 2013
57 Book of Firsts 2013
58 A Short History of the First World War: Land, Sea Air, 1914-1918 2014
59 A Short History of Brazil: From Pre-Colonial Peoples to Modern Economic Miracle 2014
60 Cthulhu: Dark Fantasy, Horror & Supernatural Movies 2014
61 A Short History of the Vietnam War 2015
62 A Short History of the Middle East: From Ancient Empires to Islamic State 2016
63 The Godsplice 2016
64 A Short History of India: From the Earliest Civilisations and Myriad Kingdoms, to Today's Economic Powerhouse 2017
65 Are You Smarter Than a Millennial? 2018
66 Are You Smarter Than a Baby Boomer? 2018
67 Short History of the Victorian Era 2019
68 A Pocket Essential Introduction to Religion 2019
69 The War that Never Ended: A Short History of the Korean War 2020
70 British Traitors 2022
Best Kept Secrets Books
# Título Año
1 Best-Kept Secrets of Italy 2014
2 Best-Kept Secrets of Europe 2015
Masterpieces of Art Books (by with Susie Hodge)
# Título Año
1 William Morris 2009
2 Japanese Woodblocks 2014
3 J.M.W. Turner 2014
4 Illuminated Manuscripts 2014
5 Art Deco Fashion 2014
6 Paul Klee 2014
7 Charles Rennie Mackintosh 2014
8 Gustav Klimt 2014
9 Claude Monet 2014
10 Edvard Munch 2015
11 Hieronymus Bosch 2016
12 Pre-Raphaelites 2016
13 Glasgow Boys 2018
14 Scottish Colourists 2019